
Backyard Conservation Resources

Backyard Conservation

This is a 25 year old booklet produced by USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Association of Conservation Districts, Wildlife Habitat Council and National Audobon Society presenting ideas in 10 areas of DIY conservation for homeowners that are adapted from best management practices used on farm and rangeland to protect natural resources.

Backyard Conservation: What Can I Do To Protect Water Quality

This booklet From PA Association of Conservation District is focused on lawn care and maintenance that protects water quality in streams and rivers but includes good ideas for composting, mulching and native plants.

Healthy Waters Residential Handout

A two-page handout from PA Department of Environmental Protection discussing how everyone can help to reduce pollution from stormwater runoff.

Guidelines for Maintaining Streams In Your Community

Concise booklet describing what can be done without a permit, what actions might require a permit, and activities that definitely require a permit.

Be Wise When You Fertilize

A one-page fact sheet explaining the 2022 fertilizer law that affects landowners and anyone managing turf grass and the use of lawn fertilizers.

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